Shutter Network Community Update - November 2024

Shutter Network Community Update - November 2024

We are committed to keeping the community informed by providing regular updates on the latest developments and ongoing activities within the Shutter Network ecosystem. Your engagement is important to us, and we appreciate your support.

These updates will be your go-to resource for everything happening in the Shutter community. We'll highlight significant milestones, the latest proposals, and achievements from our community—all thanks to your hard work and dedication.

In this edition, we're pleased to provide a comprehensive summary of the key events and highlights from November 2024. Our goal is to keep you well-informed and up-to-date!


Here are the most recent blog posts published in November.

Shutter Network Community Update - October 2024

In this edition, we're pleased to provide a comprehensive summary of the key events and highlights from October 2024. Our goal is to keep you well-informed and up-to-date!

Shutter Network Community Update - October 2024
In this edition, we’re pleased to provide a comprehensive summary of the key events and highlights from October 2024

Secret Sharing with Snitching: Addressing Shareholder Collusion in Threshold Cryptography

Secret Sharing with Snitching solves the issue of shareholder collusion by making it provable and punishable.

recent paper by Dziembowski et al., that was published at the ACM CCS 2024 conference, made significant progress towards answering this question. The paper is co-authored by Stefan Dziembowski and Sebastian Faust, the two cryptographers behind the Shutter protocol scheme, and introduces an innovative cryptographic primitive called Secret Sharing with Snitching (SSS), which solves the issue of shareholder collusion by making it provable and punishable.

Secret Sharing with Snitching: Addressing Shareholder Collusion in Threshold Cryptography
Secret Sharing with Snitching solves the issue of shareholder collusion by making it provable and punishable.


Updates regarding community events, initiatives, and developments from November 2024.


NethermindEth has an advanced and powerful plugin system

Ethereum Cypherpunk Congress line-up

ShutterDAO 0x36 sponsors the Ethereum Cypherpunk Congress

JFK talked about crypto?

IBTIA Biweekly Podcast

Modularity, Simply Put with Shutter Network PM, Luis Bezzenberger | S2 EP 3

Loring Harkness' talk at ETHSofia on how advanced cryptography helps create more neutral spaces in web3

0xResearch post mentioned Shutter Network's recent research on "Secret Sharing with Snitching."

Retro Rewards

OKX Ventures DevCon Highlights with Shutter

Introducing StealthBid. Saving DAOs from Throwing Money Away

EigenPhi publishes an article about Shutter

Shutter DAO 0x36 Proposals and Discussions

The following are proposals and discussions shared on the Shutter Forum, specifically intended for the members of Shutter DAO 0x36. These topics are open for review and debate, encouraging members to engage and provide their insights and feedback.

Avantgarde Finance to Support Treasury Management for Shutter DAO 0x36
Changelog 29/11: Updated the proposal to reflect the correct USDC amount ($2.3m rather than 2.7) Adjusted down the management fee to 0.5% from 0.75, which is to cover Enzyme’s infra costs. Removed the bonus option around staking ETH due to little interest expressed. TL;DR Proposal to deposit 2.3m USDC from the Shutter DAO 0x36 treasury into a vault which mirrors the Avantgarde DeFi Yield Fund, currently yielding 9.5-15% APY. Straightforward non-custodial deposit with conservative risk. No ac…
Proposal for 0x36 Onchain Keyper List
Shutter Keypers - Proposal for Onchain Activation Proposal Title Author(s) Phase Type Date Created Extension of the Shutter Keyper Set 5pence I Off-Chain November 11th, 2024 Proposal The Shutter DAO 0x36’s core purpose is to select and manage the Keyper Set. There is already a selected Keyper set on-chain, however, there are many new applications that need to be evaluated. In addition, the previous Keypers still need to be confirmed by the 0x36 DAO. With the staking contracts complete…
Brainbot Update for October 2024
Purpose brainbot is sharing this update regarding the grant of 205,405 sDAI from Shutter DAO 0x36 received on 17 October 2024. It covers use of funds, activities and accomplishments in October 2024. Highlights brainbot continued with our core protocol development and research, and achieved several important launches in October. A few highlights: Shielded Trading on Gnosis Chain: Improved stability (reaching 100% inclusion) and launched Shutter Explorer. Shielded Trading on Ethereum L1: Outli…
Conclude Grant to Artis for Market Making Services
Introduction Conclude the grant to Artis for market making services in two steps: Instruct Artis to return all Shutted DAO 0x36 assets Disburse 25,000 USDC to Artis Context Timeline In February 2024, Shutter DAO 0x36 selected Artis for a 30,000 USDC grant to provide post-LBP market making services for 6 months. In March 2024, Shutter DAO 0x36 paid Artis 5,000 USDC for market making services in March 2024. In March - November 2024, Shutter DAO 0x36 received support services from Artis, inclu…
Finalize Extension of the Shutter DAO 0x36 Keyper Set
Proposal Title Author(s) Phase Type Date Created Finalization of Keyper Set Extension 0x36 II onchain Nov 26th, 2024 Proposal Following the successful approval voting on Snapshot for the extension of the Keyper set (link), this proposal seeks to finalize the addition of new Keypers, as well as confirm a number of Keypers previously added via precursors to the Shutter DAO 0x36other means, by executing two critical transactions on the blockchain. The first transaction will use the add f…

Shutter DAO 0x36 Votes

In November 2024, the Shutter DAO 0x36 carried out several votes, shaping the organization's future direction. These votes reflected the collective decision-making process of the community members.

Shutter Onchain Keypers - Proposal for Onchain Activation

More Coming Soon!

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